Any information collected by Jodi Health, such as email, will never be transferred, assigned, or sold to third parties unless required by law.
The site receives and maintains browser information from our servers, including your IP address, the referring address, and the page you searched for. In addition to this information, the only other personal information that we ask about you is that which you provide in our online forms. The site is the only one that will have this information and it will only be used for our statistical analysis of the number of visits.
The site uses cookies and other technologies to improve your online experience and to find out how you use our services, in order to improve their quality.
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads during your visit to our website. These companies may use information (which does not include your name, address, email, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to display advertisements related to products and services of interest to you. To obtain more information about this practice and to know how to prevent companies from using this data